NavBarNotifications.vue 2.14 KB
<script setup>
import avatar4 from '@images/avatars/avatar-4.png'
import avatar5 from '@images/avatars/avatar-5.png'

const notifications = ref([
    id: 1,
    img: avatar4,
    title: 'Congratulation Flora! 🎉',
    subtitle: 'Won the monthly best seller badge',
    time: 'Today',
    isSeen: true,
    id: 2,
    text: 'Cecilia Becker',
    title: 'Cecilia Becker',
    subtitle: 'Accepted your connection',
    time: '12h ago',
    isSeen: false,
    color: 'primary',
    id: 3,
    img: avatar5,
    title: 'New message received 👋🏻',
    subtitle: 'You have 10 unread messages',
    time: '11 Aug',
    isSeen: true,
    id: 4,
    icon: 'ri-bar-chart-line',
    title: 'Monthly report generated',
    subtitle: 'July month financial report is generated',
    time: 'Apr 24, 10:30 AM',
    isSeen: false,
    color: 'info',
    id: 5,
    text: 'Meta Gadgets',
    title: 'Application has been approved 🚀',
    subtitle: 'Your Meta Gadgets project application has been approved.',
    time: 'Feb 17, 12:17 PM',
    isSeen: false,
    color: 'success',
    id: 6,
    icon: 'ri-mail-line',
    title: 'New message from Harry',
    subtitle: 'You have new message from Harry',
    time: 'Jan 6, 1:48 PM',
    isSeen: true,
    color: 'error',

const removeNotification = notificationId => {
  notifications.value.forEach((item, index) => {
    if (notificationId ===
      notifications.value.splice(index, 1)

const markRead = notificationId => {
  notifications.value.forEach(item => {
    notificationId.forEach(id => {
      if (id ===
        item.isSeen = true

const markUnRead = notificationId => {
  notifications.value.forEach(item => {
    notificationId.forEach(id => {
      if (id ===
        item.isSeen = false

const handleNotificationClick = notification => {
  if (!notification.isSeen)
