CardAdvanceTransactions.vue 3.18 KB
<script setup>
import { kFormatter } from '@core/utils/formatters'
import arrowGrowth from '@images/cards/arrow-growth.png'
import atmCard from '@images/cards/atm-card.png'
import creditCard from '@images/cards/credit-card.png'
import paypal from '@images/cards/paypal.png'
import wallet from '@images/cards/wallet.png'

const transactions = [
    gateway: 'PayPal',
    for: 'Received Money',
    amount: 2482,
    img: paypal,
    imgHeight: 22,
    gateway: 'Credit Card',
    for: 'DigitalOcean',
    amount: -1250,
    img: creditCard,
    imgHeight: 15,
    gateway: 'Mastercard',
    for: 'Netflix',
    amount: -99,
    img: atmCard,
    imgHeight: 15,
    gateway: 'Wallet',
    for: 'Mac\'D',
    amount: -82,
    img: wallet,
    imgHeight: 18,
    gateway: 'Transfer',
    for: 'Refund',
    amount: 8934,
    img: arrowGrowth,
    imgHeight: 12,
    gateway: 'Wallet',
    for: 'Buy Apple Watch',
    amount: -399,
    img: wallet,
    imgHeight: 18,

const transactionsColors = {
  'PayPal': 'error',
  'Credit Card': 'success',
  'Mastercard': 'warning',
  'Wallet': 'primary',
  'Transfer': 'info',

const formateAmount = amount => {
  return Math.sign(amount) === 1 ? `+${ kFormatter(amount) }` : `-${ Math.abs(amount) }`

    <!-- SECTION Card Header and Menu -->
      <!-- 👉 Title -->

      <!-- 👉 menu -->
      <template #append>
        <div class="me-n3">
          <MoreBtn />
    <!-- !SECTION -->

    <!-- SECTION Transactions List -->
      <VList class="card-list">
          v-for="transaction in transactions"
          <!-- 👉 Avatar -->
          <template #prepend>

          <!-- 👉 Title and Subtitle  -->
            <h6 class="text-h6">
              {{ transaction.gateway }}
            <div class="text-body-1 me-2">
              {{ transaction.for }}

          <!-- 👉 Amounts -->
          <template #append>
              <h6 class="text-h6 me-2">
                {{ formateAmount(transaction.amount) }}
                :color="Math.sign(transaction.amount) === 1 ? 'success' : 'error'"
                :icon="Math.sign(transaction.amount) === 1 ? 'ri-arrow-up-s-line' : 'ri-arrow-down-s-line'"
    <!-- !SECTION -->

 <style lang="scss" scoped>
  .card-list {
    --v-card-list-gap: 1.5rem;