DemoListThreeLine.vue 1.46 KB
<script setup>
import avatar1 from '@images/avatars/avatar-1.png'
import avatar2 from '@images/avatars/avatar-2.png'
import avatar3 from '@images/avatars/avatar-3.png'
import avatar4 from '@images/avatars/avatar-4.png'

const items = [
    type: 'subheader',
    title: 'Today',
    prependAvatar: avatar1,
    title: 'Brunch this weekend?',
    subtitle: '<span class="text-primary">Ali Connors</span> &mdash; I\'ll be in your neighborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want to hang out?',
    type: 'divider',
    inset: true,
    prependAvatar: avatar2,
    title: 'Summer BBQ',
    subtitle: '<span class="text-primary">to Alex, Scott, Jennifer</span> &mdash; Wish I could come, but I\'m out of town this weekend.',
    type: 'divider',
    inset: true,
    prependAvatar: avatar3,
    title: 'Oui oui',
    subtitle: '<span class="text-primary">Sandra Adams</span> &mdash; Do you have Paris recommendations? Have you ever been?',
    type: 'divider',
    inset: true,
    prependAvatar: avatar4,
    title: 'Birthday gift',
    subtitle: '<span class="text-primary">Trevor Hansen</span> &mdash; Have any ideas about what we should get Heidi for her birthday?',

    <template #subtitle="{ subtitle }">
      <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-v-html -->
      <div v-html="subtitle" />