ECommerceInvoiceTable.vue 8.94 KB
<script setup>
import avatar1 from '@images/avatars/avatar-1.png'
import avatar2 from '@images/avatars/avatar-2.png'
import avatar3 from '@images/avatars/avatar-3.png'
import avatar4 from '@images/avatars/avatar-4.png'
import avatar5 from '@images/avatars/avatar-5.png'
import avatar6 from '@images/avatars/avatar-6.png'
import avatar7 from '@images/avatars/avatar-7.png'
import avatar8 from '@images/avatars/avatar-8.png'

const now = new Date()
const currentMonth = now.toLocaleString('default', { month: '2-digit' })

// 👉 Invoice balance variant resolver
const resolveInvoiceBalanceVariant = (balance, total) => {
  if (balance === total)
    return {
      status: 'Unpaid',
      chip: { color: 'error' },
  if (balance === 0)
    return {
      status: 'Paid',
      chip: { color: 'success' },
  return {
    status: balance,
    chip: { variant: 'text' },

const resolveInvoiceStatusVariantAndIcon = status => {
  if (status === 'Partial Payment')
    return {
      variant: 'warning',
      icon: 'ri-line-chart-line',
  if (status === 'Paid')
    return {
      variant: 'success',
      icon: 'ri-check-line',
  if (status === 'Downloaded')
    return {
      variant: 'info',
      icon: 'ri-arrow-down-line',
  if (status === 'Draft')
    return {
      variant: 'secondary',
      icon: 'ri-save-line',
  if (status === 'Sent')
    return {
      variant: 'primary',
      icon: 'ri-mail-line',
  if (status === 'Past Due')
    return {
      variant: 'error',
      icon: 'ri-error-warning-line',
  return {
    variant: 'secondary',
    icon: 'ri-close-line',

const invoices = [
    id: 5024,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-28`,
    client: {
      address: '276 Michael Gardens Apt. 004',
      company: 'Shea, Velez and Garcia LLC',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Philippines',
      contact: '(817) 700-2984',
      name: 'Christopher Allen',
    service: 'Software Development',
    total: 2787,
    avatar: avatar1,
    invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',
    balance: 0,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-25`,
    id: 5025,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-21`,
    client: {
      address: '633 Bell Well Apt. 057',
      company: 'Adams, Simmons and Brown Group',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Martinique',
      contact: '(266) 611-9482',
      name: 'Joseph Oliver',
    service: 'UI/UX Design & Development',
    total: 5591,
    avatar: avatar2,
    invoiceStatus: 'Downloaded',
    balance: 0,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-07`,
    id: 5026,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-24`,
    client: {
      address: '1068 Lopez Fall',
      company: 'Williams-Lawrence and Sons',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Mexico',
      contact: '(739) 745-9728',
      name: 'Megan Roberts',
    service: 'Template Customization',
    total: 2783,
    avatar: avatar3,
    invoiceStatus: 'Draft',
    balance: 0,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-22`,
    id: 5027,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-13`,
    client: {
      address: '86691 Mackenzie Light Suite 568',
      company: 'Deleon Inc LLC',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Costa Rica',
      contact: '(682) 804-6506',
      name: 'Mary Garcia',
    service: 'Template Customization',
    total: 2719,
    avatar: avatar4,
    invoiceStatus: 'Sent',
    balance: 0,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-04`,
    id: 5028,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-18`,
    client: {
      address: '86580 Sarah Bridge',
      company: 'Farmer, Johnson and Anderson Group',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Cameroon',
      contact: '(775) 366-0411',
      name: 'Crystal Mays',
    service: 'Template Customization',
    total: 3325,
    avatar: avatar5,
    invoiceStatus: 'Paid',
    balance: 361,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-02`,
    id: 5029,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-29`,
    client: {
      address: '49709 Edwin Ports Apt. 353',
      company: 'Sherman-Johnson PLC',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Macedonia',
      contact: '(510) 536-6029',
      name: 'Nicholas Tanner',
    service: 'Template Customization',
    total: 3851,
    avatar: avatar6,
    invoiceStatus: 'Paid',
    balance: 0,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-25`,
    id: 5030,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-07`,
    client: {
      address: '3856 Mathis Squares Apt. 584',
      company: 'Byrd LLC PLC',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Congo',
      contact: '(253) 230-4657',
      name: 'Justin Richardson',
    service: 'Template Customization',
    total: 5565,
    avatar: avatar7,
    invoiceStatus: 'Draft',
    balance: 0,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-06`,
    id: 5031,
    issuedDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-21`,
    client: {
      address: '141 Adrian Ridge Suite 550',
      company: 'Stone-Zimmerman Group',
      companyEmail: '',
      country: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
      contact: '(612) 546-3485',
      name: 'Jennifer Summers',
    service: 'Template Customization',
    total: 3313,
    avatar: avatar8,
    invoiceStatus: 'Partial Payment',
    balance: 0,
    dueDate: `${ now.getFullYear() }-${ currentMonth }-09`,

const headers = [
    title: '#ID',
    key: 'id',
    title: 'Status',
    key: 'status',
    sortable: false,
    title: 'Client',
    key: '',
    title: 'Total',
    key: 'total',
    title: 'Balance',
    key: 'balance',

      <!-- id -->
      <template"{ item }">
        <RouterLink :to="{ name: 'apps-invoice-preview-id', params: { id: } }">
          #{{ }}

      <!-- trending -->
      <template #item.status="{ item }">
          <template #activator="{ props }">
          <p class="mb-0">
            {{ item.invoiceStatus }}
          <p class="mb-0">
            Balance: {{ item.balance }}
          <p class="mb-0">
            Due date: {{ item.dueDate }}

      <!-- client -->
      <template"{ item }">
        <div class="d-flex align-center">
            :color="!item.avatar.length ? resolveInvoiceStatusVariantAndIcon(item.invoiceStatus).variant : undefined"
            :variant="!item.avatar.length ? 'tonal' : undefined"
            <span v-else>{{ avatarText( }}</span>
          <div class="d-flex flex-column">
              :to="{ name: 'pages-user-profile-tab', params: { tab: 'profile' } }"
              class="text-h6 font-weight-medium mb-0"
              {{ }}
            <span class="text-body-2">{{ item.client.companyEmail }}</span>

      <!-- Total -->
      <template"{ item }">
        ${{ }}

      <!-- Balance -->
      <template #item.balance="{ item }">
          v-if="typeof ((resolveInvoiceBalanceVariant(item.balance, === 'string'"
          {{ (resolveInvoiceBalanceVariant(item.balance, }}
          class="text-h6 font-weight-regular"
          {{ Number((resolveInvoiceBalanceVariant(item.balance, > 0 ? `$${(resolveInvoiceBalanceVariant(item.balance,}` : `-$${Math.abs(Number((resolveInvoiceBalanceVariant(item.balance,}` }}

      <template #bottom />