tooltip.vue 1.88 KB
<script setup>
import * as demoCode from '@/views/demos/components/tooltip/demoCodeTooltip'

    <VCol cols="12">
      <!-- 👉 Location -->
        <p>Use the <code>location</code> prop to specify on which side of the element the tooltip should show</p>

        <DemoTooltipLocation />

    <VCol cols="12">
      <!-- 👉 Events -->
        <DemoTooltipEvents />

    <VCol cols="12">
      <!-- 👉 Delay On Hover -->
        title="Delay On Hover"
        <p>Delay (in ms) after which tooltip opens (when <code>open-on-hover</code> prop is set to true)</p>

        <DemoTooltipDelayOnHover />

    <VCol cols="12">
      <!-- 👉 V-model Support -->
        title="V-Model Support"
        <p>Tooltip visibility can be programmatically changed using <code>v-model</code>.</p>

        <DemoTooltipVModelSupport />

    <VCol cols="12">
      <!-- 👉 Transition -->
        <p>Use <code>transition</code> prop to sets the component transition.</p>

        <DemoTooltipTransition />

    <VCol cols="12">
      <!-- 👉 Tooltip on Various Elements -->
        title="Tooltip on Various Elements"
        <p>Tooltips can wrap any element.</p>

        <DemoTooltipTooltipOnVariousElements />