index.vue 851 Bytes
<script setup>
import RoleCards from '@/views/apps/roles/RoleCards.vue'
import UserList from '@/views/apps/roles/UserList.vue'

    <VCol cols="12">
      <h5 class="text-h5 mb-1">
        Roles List
      <p class="text-body-1 mb-0">
        A role provided access to predefined menus and features so that depending on assigned role an administrator can have access to what he need

    <!-- 👉 Roles Cards -->
    <VCol cols="12">
      <RoleCards />

    <VCol cols="12">
      <h5 class="text-h5 mt-6">
        Total users with their roles
      <p class="text-body-1 mb-6">
        Find all of your company's administrator accounts and their associate roles.

      <!-- 👉 User List  -->
      <UserList />