VerticalNavLayout.vue 5.37 KB
<script setup>
import { VerticalNav } from '@layouts/components'
import { useLayoutConfigStore } from '@layouts/stores/config'

const props = defineProps({
  navItems: {
    type: null,
    required: true,
  verticalNavAttrs: {
    type: Object,
    required: false,
    default: () => ({}),

const { width: windowWidth } = useWindowSize()
const configStore = useLayoutConfigStore()
const isOverlayNavActive = ref(false)
const isLayoutOverlayVisible = ref(false)
const toggleIsOverlayNavActive = useToggle(isOverlayNavActive)

// ℹ️ This is alternative to below two commented watcher

// We want to show overlay if overlay nav is visible and want to hide overlay if overlay is hidden and vice versa.
syncRef(isOverlayNavActive, isLayoutOverlayVisible)

// })

// ℹ️ Hide overlay if user open overlay nav in <md and increase the window width without closing overlay nav
watch(windowWidth, () => {
  if (!configStore.isLessThanOverlayNavBreakpoint && isLayoutOverlayVisible.value)
    isLayoutOverlayVisible.value = false

const verticalNavAttrs = computed(() => {
  const vNavAttrs = toRef(props, 'verticalNavAttrs')

  const {
    wrapper: verticalNavWrapper,
    wrapperProps: verticalNavWrapperProps,
  } = vNavAttrs.value

  return {

      :is="verticalNavAttrs.verticalNavWrapper ? verticalNavAttrs.verticalNavWrapper : 'div'"
        v-bind="{ ...verticalNavAttrs.additionalVerticalNavAttrs }"
        <template #nav-header>
          <slot name="vertical-nav-header" />
        <template #before-nav-items>
          <slot name="before-vertical-nav-items" />
    <div class="layout-content-wrapper">
        :class="[{ 'navbar-blur': configStore.isNavbarBlurEnabled }]"
        <div class="navbar-content-container">
      <main class="layout-page-content">
        <div class="page-content-container">
          <slot />
      <footer class="layout-footer">
        <div class="footer-content-container">
          <slot name="footer" />
      :class="[{ visible: isLayoutOverlayVisible }]"
      @click="() => { isLayoutOverlayVisible = !isLayoutOverlayVisible }"

<style lang="scss">
@use "@configured-variables" as variables;
@use "@layouts/styles/placeholders";
@use "@layouts/styles/mixins";

.layout-wrapper.layout-nav-type-vertical {
  // TODO(v2): Check why we need height in vertical nav & min-height in horizontal nav
  block-size: 100%;

  .layout-content-wrapper {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    flex-grow: 1;
    min-block-size: 100dvh;
    transition: padding-inline-start 0.2s ease-in-out;
    will-change: padding-inline-start;

    @media screen and (min-width: 1280px) {
      padding-inline-start: variables.$layout-vertical-nav-width;

  .layout-navbar {
    z-index: variables.$layout-vertical-nav-layout-navbar-z-index;

    .navbar-content-container {
      block-size: variables.$layout-vertical-nav-navbar-height;

    @at-root {
      .layout-wrapper.layout-nav-type-vertical {
        .layout-navbar {
          @if variables.$layout-vertical-nav-navbar-is-contained {
            @include mixins.boxed-content;

          // else
          @else {
            .navbar-content-container {
              @include mixins.boxed-content;

  &.layout-navbar-sticky .layout-navbar {
    @extend %layout-navbar-sticky;

  &.layout-navbar-hidden .layout-navbar {
    @extend %layout-navbar-hidden;

  // 👉 Footer
  .layout-footer {
    @include mixins.boxed-content;

  // 👉 Layout overlay
  .layout-overlay {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: variables.$layout-overlay-z-index;
    background-color: rgb(0 0 0 / 60%);
    cursor: pointer;
    inset: 0;
    opacity: 0;
    pointer-events: none;
    transition: opacity 0.25s ease-in-out;
    will-change: opacity;

    &.visible {
      opacity: 1;
      pointer-events: auto;

  // Adjust right column pl when vertical nav is collapsed
  &.layout-vertical-nav-collapsed .layout-content-wrapper {
    @media screen and (min-width: 1280px) {
      padding-inline-start: variables.$layout-vertical-nav-collapsed-width;

  // 👉 Content height fixed
  &.layout-content-height-fixed {
    .layout-content-wrapper {
      max-block-size: 100dvh;

    .layout-page-content {
      display: flex;
      overflow: hidden;

      .page-content-container {
        inline-size: 100%;

        > :first-child {
          max-block-size: 100%;
          overflow-y: auto;