config.js 4.04 KB
import { AppContentLayoutNav, NavbarType } from '@layouts/enums'
import { injectionKeyIsVerticalNavHovered } from '@layouts/symbols'
import { _setDirAttr } from '@layouts/utils'

// ℹ️ We should not import themeConfig here but in urgency we are doing it for now
import { layoutConfig } from '@themeConfig'

export const namespaceConfig = str => `${}-${str}`
export const cookieRef = (key, defaultValue) => {
  return useCookie(namespaceConfig(key), { default: () => defaultValue })
export const useLayoutConfigStore = defineStore('layoutConfig', () => {
  const route = useRoute()

  // 👉 Navbar Type
  const navbarType = ref(layoutConfig.navbar.type)

  // 👉 Navbar Type
  const isNavbarBlurEnabled = cookieRef('isNavbarBlurEnabled', layoutConfig.navbar.navbarBlur)

  // 👉 Vertical Nav Collapsed
  const isVerticalNavCollapsed = cookieRef('isVerticalNavCollapsed', layoutConfig.verticalNav.isVerticalNavCollapsed)

  // 👉 App Content Width
  const appContentWidth = cookieRef('appContentWidth',

  // 👉 App Content Layout Nav
  const appContentLayoutNav = ref(

  watch(appContentLayoutNav, val => {
    // If Navbar type is hidden while switching to horizontal nav => Reset it to sticky
    if (val === AppContentLayoutNav.Horizontal) {
      if (navbarType.value === NavbarType.Hidden)
        navbarType.value = NavbarType.Sticky
      isVerticalNavCollapsed.value = false

  // 👉 Horizontal Nav Type
  const horizontalNavType = ref(layoutConfig.horizontalNav.type)

  //  👉 Horizontal Nav Popover Offset
  const horizontalNavPopoverOffset = ref(layoutConfig.horizontalNav.popoverOffset)

  // 👉 Footer Type
  const footerType = ref(layoutConfig.footer.type)

  // 👉 Misc
  const isLessThanOverlayNavBreakpoint = computed(() => useMediaQuery(`(max-width: ${}px)`).value)

  // 👉 Layout Classes
  const _layoutClasses = computed(() => {
    const { y: windowScrollY } = useWindowScroll()
    return [
        'layout-vertical-nav-collapsed': isVerticalNavCollapsed.value
                    && appContentLayoutNav.value === 'vertical'
                    && !isLessThanOverlayNavBreakpoint.value,
      { [`horizontal-nav-${horizontalNavType.value}`]: appContentLayoutNav.value === 'horizontal' },
      { 'layout-overlay-nav': isLessThanOverlayNavBreakpoint.value },
      { 'window-scrolled': unref(windowScrollY) },
      route.meta.layoutWrapperClasses ? route.meta.layoutWrapperClasses : null,

  // 👉 RTL
  // const isAppRTL = ref(
  const isAppRTL = ref(false)

  watch(isAppRTL, val => {
    _setDirAttr(val ? 'rtl' : 'ltr')

  // 👉 Is Vertical Nav Mini
      This function will return true if current state is mini. Mini state means vertical nav is:
        - Collapsed
        - Isn't hovered by mouse
        - nav is not less than overlay breakpoint (hence, isn't overlay menu)
      ℹ️ We are getting `isVerticalNavHovered` as param instead of via `inject` because
          we are using this in `VerticalNav.vue` component which provide it and I guess because
          same component is providing & injecting we are getting undefined error
  const isVerticalNavMini = (isVerticalNavHovered = null) => {
    const isVerticalNavHoveredLocal = isVerticalNavHovered || inject(injectionKeyIsVerticalNavHovered) || ref(false)
    return computed(() => isVerticalNavCollapsed.value && !isVerticalNavHoveredLocal.value && !isLessThanOverlayNavBreakpoint.value)

  return {